
Ask yourself: are you addressing the strategic agenda of news-media CxO's?

Our ecosystem help answer the following questions

  • What does a sustainable business model for news-media look like in the future?
  • What potential new revenue streams are emerging?
  • How do we change our approach to journalism that drives deep and loyal reader engagement?
  • How do we monetize on digital readership?
  • How do we fully commercialize on our platforms?
  • How do we apply next generation technology to offer superior reader experience on our platforms?
  • How do we apply AI technologies in a way that creates business value without compromising editorial integrity?
  • Are you answering a yet unknown question?

Our ecosystem help answer the following questions

  • What does a sustainable business model for news-media look like in the future?
  • What potential new revenue streams are emerging?
  • How do we change our approach to journalism that drives deep and loyal reader engagement?
  • How do we monetize on digital readership?
  • How do we fully commercialize on our platforms?
  • How do we apply next generation technology to offer superior reader experience on our platforms?
  • How do we seamlessly integrate and digitize end-to-end process flows across our operations?
  • Are you answering a yet unknown question?

Our ecosystem spans both local and global start-ups


Public powered journalism

HQ: Chicago/Odense
Entry: January 2019

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Fantasy stock trading

HQ: Odense
Entry: December 2022

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Ulla Film

Audience-centric film-production from Funen

HQ: Odense
Joined April 2020

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Protecting humanity from harmful content

HQ: Dublin
Entry: July 2020
Exit: September 2022

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Actively matching talents with recruiters

HQ: Odense
Entry: January 2020
Exit: November 2022

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Democratize the media

HQ: Copenhagen
Entry: December 2018
Exit: January 2021 (Dissolution)

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